Monday, October 8, 2012

IT WON'T FIT!!!!????

Today I stepped outside to walk to my car and wouldn't you know it stuff falls out of the back of my back pack. Yay.... awkward moments... A stranger smoking a cigarette stood up and handed me all of my things.
"Thank you." I said. The stranger gave it a little chuckle but then said, "It's no problem." He then proceeded to stand there and watch me fail to put my stuff into my bag. It wouldn't fit right, it wouldn't zip... what is my life? So again this strange stood up and asked if I needed help. I refused him and told him I had it... I was only sorta kinda maybe a wee bit embarrassed....

However, I think that this tells me something. People do not help each other enough. Even if it s just helping someone pick up their things off of the street, they will appreciate it. It doesn't have to be big.I have no desire to steel someone's kidney.... but a friendly gesture once in a while is a pleasant surprise that all will enjoy.

God Bless.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Don't Worry, you just have to be patient.

My first boyfriend and I were together for a year and a half. He knows me very well and because we were together so long I have say that during that time we actually became best friends. Afterwards it changed drastically... but that is beside the point. We had a close relationship. The day after we broke up I laid in my bed crying. I had lost one of only two people that knew my secrets (my best friend of 9 years being the other). I had lost someone to call when I was stressed. I had lost someone who held me tightly. I had lost my date to prom. I had lost a year and a half! And yeah I probably lost some socks.... So the day after our break up I laid in my bed, crying my eyes out. My family (or at least my brother) wasn't very sympathetic. They wanted me to instantaneously move on. As if it had never happened. But none of them had ever really gone through a break up like this. However, one of them pulled through for me. My niece (at the time she was just 2). She walked into my room and said, "Megan? Are you ok?"
"No." I replied.
" it because you lost you best friend Max?" she was puzzled.
"Yup...." I sniffled.
"Oh.... It is gunna be okay Megan. Don't worry, you just have to be patient." She said as she stroked my greasy hair.
Don't worry, you just have to be patient.... How did a 2 year old know so much? How did she know that I was in pain and needed someone to sit by me and stroke my hair? How did she know the word patient!? And will she ever realize that she was the reason that I got out of bed that day? I love my niece. She is brilliant and she is sweet. An adorable combination that has pulled me through rough moments, happy moments and everything in between. Children are truly a blessing to us.

God Bless.

Working with a Witness

As I said before there happens to be a bank in may workplace. Yesterday afternoon as I was working I noticed the bank teller roaming around outside of the bank area. "Hmmmm that is a wee bit odd" I thought to myself. However I turned around and continued bagging,bag after bag of spaghetti, vegetables, milk, and the occasional condoms. I turned around to find that he was still standing around....still looking over at the cashiers.... "Is he watching me? Is he watching the cashiers? We aren't that interesting" just another thought to myself. However I am a crazy girl and realized that I was being stupid and should ignore my weird thoughts. But every time I turned around there he was...starring.... "I'm going crazy..." Literally..... I thought I must have been seeing things. Well I don't know if the rest of you know this, but it seems to be rhino virus season. So yup I had to sneeze. I turned around so that I would be facing away from all of my customers and their food and I sneezed into my arm. None of the co-workers around me said anything, nor did any customers. However, I hear, "Bless you." I look up and 50 feet away the bank teller stand. I must have given him a funny look when I thanked him because then he said, "I heard you..." Ok see now I knew he was watching me... because my sneezes are silent. So now I have to wonder why in the word this man was watching me. o.O I'm in the dark I guess.

God Bless.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Whales have fingers, look it up.

Going to the #2 ranked party college in the country is wasted on me. While in college some may experiment by going to a frat party, drinking massive amounts of alcohol (underage I'll have you), using all sorts of illegal drugs, having loads of fun sexy time with other promiscuous partners, I in turn chose to experiment by eating my very first cliff bar. I suppose that I am boring that way. I have rosary parties with my friends and I chaperon catholic retreats to help out my church. I am just not like the rest.

That is not to say however that all people at this lovely party college party (but let's face it, have you been downtown on a Saturday night?). I have heard more conversations of black outs and sex coming out of the mouths of random strangers on buses than I have my whole life! AND I GREW UP HERE!? Being in college and hearing about college are way different. You can hear me tell you about the drunk people... but until you see them, and God forbid smell them, you have no idea. SO instead I spend my time with people who I actually care about, my friends, my boyfriend, my family and the Starks... o and the Borgias. And I spend time with them while having a completely clear, alcohol free, drug free head. Because I'm weird like that I guess. AND THAT'S OK!

God Bless.

Friday, September 21, 2012

An act of Kindness

I am a cashier. There are many things to complain about with my job. I work more hours a week than I should while I am in school, costumers rarely appreciate the help that you give them, many people are rude and inappropriate with me. Sometimes at the end of the day it is enough to make you give up on people. However, tonight a different kind of man walked through my line. He was not like the flirtatious college boys who had come through only moments earlier, asking when I would be off of work. Nor was he like the man who quietly came through my line without an acknowledgement of  my existence or any question I asked him. This man was different. At first the seemingly average Joe didn't have much to say. However, he politely answered all of my questions and jumped at the opportunity to help bag his own groceries. By the end of his $200 purchase he had earned enough of our reward points to receive a 5% off coupon for any future purpose. The coupon printed out, but the man stopped me. "I don't want the coupon," he said. "Please, give it to the next person in line. Or perhaps give it to the next person with a child. Someone who needs it and can appreciate it."
      "Are you sure?" I said puzzled by his kindness.
      "If I keep it, I'll lose it. Please, give it to someone who needs it."
      "Whatever you want sir." I smiled at the notion, handed him his receipt and ended with my usual, "Have a great night."
       The next costumer to come through my line was a woman, about the same age as the man before her (maybe she was a wee bit older). Her order wasn't large. No where near what the man before had purchased. At the end of her order I pulled out the 5% off coupon. "The last costumer I had requested that I give this 5% off coupon to the next person. Would you like to use it for your purchase?" I said, holding the coupon out for her to see.
       "Yes, thank you." she started, "I wish I knew who it was so that I could thank them..." she smiled. too.... It is little moments like that, that keep me going. A man giving up something for someone else, no matter how small 5% may seem, it brought joy to the person after him. (and to me). He made the comment to me that for every nice thing that someone else does for us, we should do double. I agree... I feel as though now I must do something nice for someone. No matter how small, whether it be holding open a door, giving up a coupon or complimenting a sweater, the person always appreciates it. It's the little things that make a difference. Pass on a kind heart and a warm smile to others.
God Bless.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Mayo; Satan's Mistress

Mayonnaise is nasty. 

I do not like it. Not one bit. I do not like the taste of it. I do not want this mayo's taste. I really think it's a big waste.I do not wish it any harm, but I won't eat it cold or warm. It is not pleasant. Nope Nope Nope. It gives no joy or any hope. I do not know why it makes you so glad; especially while my mouth is sad. It causes sadness around the town. It causes all to frown. If I must choose one thing to go; Then all of you should really know.... This one thing is what I choose. Mayo you lose. 
See, it is so bad that I rhyme because of it. I mean if I can Dr. Seuss it, then it must be true. 
God Bless.  

If bananas counted as a real food

I have to be honest with the world about something. I can't hold it in any longer. There is no point in hiding these shenanigans; I hate bananas. To start with, it tastes like baby food mixed with dog food mixed with all of your hopes and dreams being flushed down a toilet. Who wants that in their mouth? Not me.

But, let me tell you, the taste isn't the worst of it. Not even close. It's their texture. how can something have a rough surface and still be disgustingly mushy!? HOW!? I really want to know. Because just feel that banana. Not the yellow skin, but the white part before you take a bite. That is not smooth. And if it is smooth, then that means that something is wrong with your banana. It must be diseased. Which, considering it is a banana, wouldn't surprise me in the least. Bananas are very  unpleasant.
God Bless