Sunday, July 15, 2012

If bananas counted as a real food

I have to be honest with the world about something. I can't hold it in any longer. There is no point in hiding these shenanigans; I hate bananas. To start with, it tastes like baby food mixed with dog food mixed with all of your hopes and dreams being flushed down a toilet. Who wants that in their mouth? Not me.

But, let me tell you, the taste isn't the worst of it. Not even close. It's their texture. how can something have a rough surface and still be disgustingly mushy!? HOW!? I really want to know. Because just feel that banana. Not the yellow skin, but the white part before you take a bite. That is not smooth. And if it is smooth, then that means that something is wrong with your banana. It must be diseased. Which, considering it is a banana, wouldn't surprise me in the least. Bananas are very  unpleasant.
God Bless

1 comment:

  1. It's okay. I don't like bananas either; they taste too much like potassium. However, I do like mayo. So, yeah.
