Friday, September 21, 2012

An act of Kindness

I am a cashier. There are many things to complain about with my job. I work more hours a week than I should while I am in school, costumers rarely appreciate the help that you give them, many people are rude and inappropriate with me. Sometimes at the end of the day it is enough to make you give up on people. However, tonight a different kind of man walked through my line. He was not like the flirtatious college boys who had come through only moments earlier, asking when I would be off of work. Nor was he like the man who quietly came through my line without an acknowledgement of  my existence or any question I asked him. This man was different. At first the seemingly average Joe didn't have much to say. However, he politely answered all of my questions and jumped at the opportunity to help bag his own groceries. By the end of his $200 purchase he had earned enough of our reward points to receive a 5% off coupon for any future purpose. The coupon printed out, but the man stopped me. "I don't want the coupon," he said. "Please, give it to the next person in line. Or perhaps give it to the next person with a child. Someone who needs it and can appreciate it."
      "Are you sure?" I said puzzled by his kindness.
      "If I keep it, I'll lose it. Please, give it to someone who needs it."
      "Whatever you want sir." I smiled at the notion, handed him his receipt and ended with my usual, "Have a great night."
       The next costumer to come through my line was a woman, about the same age as the man before her (maybe she was a wee bit older). Her order wasn't large. No where near what the man before had purchased. At the end of her order I pulled out the 5% off coupon. "The last costumer I had requested that I give this 5% off coupon to the next person. Would you like to use it for your purchase?" I said, holding the coupon out for her to see.
       "Yes, thank you." she started, "I wish I knew who it was so that I could thank them..." she smiled. too.... It is little moments like that, that keep me going. A man giving up something for someone else, no matter how small 5% may seem, it brought joy to the person after him. (and to me). He made the comment to me that for every nice thing that someone else does for us, we should do double. I agree... I feel as though now I must do something nice for someone. No matter how small, whether it be holding open a door, giving up a coupon or complimenting a sweater, the person always appreciates it. It's the little things that make a difference. Pass on a kind heart and a warm smile to others.
God Bless.

1 comment:

  1. I love when customers do random awesome things like this...<3
