Monday, September 24, 2012

Whales have fingers, look it up.

Going to the #2 ranked party college in the country is wasted on me. While in college some may experiment by going to a frat party, drinking massive amounts of alcohol (underage I'll have you), using all sorts of illegal drugs, having loads of fun sexy time with other promiscuous partners, I in turn chose to experiment by eating my very first cliff bar. I suppose that I am boring that way. I have rosary parties with my friends and I chaperon catholic retreats to help out my church. I am just not like the rest.

That is not to say however that all people at this lovely party college party (but let's face it, have you been downtown on a Saturday night?). I have heard more conversations of black outs and sex coming out of the mouths of random strangers on buses than I have my whole life! AND I GREW UP HERE!? Being in college and hearing about college are way different. You can hear me tell you about the drunk people... but until you see them, and God forbid smell them, you have no idea. SO instead I spend my time with people who I actually care about, my friends, my boyfriend, my family and the Starks... o and the Borgias. And I spend time with them while having a completely clear, alcohol free, drug free head. Because I'm weird like that I guess. AND THAT'S OK!

God Bless.

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